Technology to get the most out of the festive season
It’s the time of year where most people and organisations wind down, take a breather and recharge. Using technology to help you out seems natural nowadays. Yet there are always small ways to make this approach work better for you. Stay connected. Or not. Oddly enough,...

Human Resources – people and technology blend
We often tout Human Resources as the beating heart of an organisation. Yet at the core of this heart, we see a clash between technology and remaining people-centric. Sometimes, this clash is subtle and blends in behind the scenes. At other times, the blending is less...

Is your business ready for when Windows 7 support gets decommissioned?
With the ever increasing risk of businesses getting hacked or falling victim to a ransomware attack, it is imperative that you keep your operating system up to date and optimised. Doing so ensures that you receive the latest updates and patches for your system, which...

Soft skills: hiring for the best company fit
Roughly 18 months ago, we wrote about why soft skills are becoming as much of a commodity as knowledge-based skills. Due to this trend, more hiring opportunities worldwide consider these skills than ever before. We take a look at how you can leverage this movement...

Creating a successful company strategy
Strategy is one of the most vital elements to planning a successful business approach. Consider this: a good strategy bridges goals, vision, values and operations management. As a result, you should be meticulous when the time comes to discuss it. Probably fewer than...

Financial literacy – something for all staff
The notion of providing a sound understanding of basic financial literacy is not new. It is, however, a notion that grows in importance, as finances permeate further and further downwards within company structures. In addition, individuals can use what they learn from...

Managing client-facing events
Our recent successful official launch of our Managed Services portfolio taught us several important lessons about corporate events. Short of an event planning company or a department dedicated to this, few SMEs inherently have the skills for full-out event management....

Sustainable enterprises – building for tomorrow
A sustainable venture is not just a long-lasting one. Providing the means for sustainability from the onset offers advantages and opportunities to other future ventures. In addition, it's the socially responsible course to take. Modern society and the integration of...

Work-based ways to alleviate transport congestion
We work in a country where places are often separated by some distance. Additionally, transport options to and from work typically require a lengthy commute. Add this to a lack of viable public transport in many instances. It is thus easy to see why commuter traffic...