Live your company values through community support
Supporting your community through outreach programs is a great way to reinforce your company values. Not only are you reminding yourself what your values stand for, you’re also helping others develop further. At Adept, we thrive on our core values of...

Project management is for everyone
Project management is a set of skills that you should endeavour to pass on to everyone in your organisation. Whether by direct external training or lateral skills transfer, helping people develop in project management yields surprisingly positive results. Identifying...

What it takes to work in Technical Services
Whatever name you designate to them, the Technical Services team members are the ones who look after your core infrastructure. This team is responsible for maintaining your network infrastructure. They look after the hardware and software that runs on it. They also...

IPv6: What’s the deal and how to get started
The connected world is rapidly running out of assignable IPv4 addresses. According to a calculator by APNIC (the regional Internet registry for Asia and the Pacific) blogger Geoff Huston, most geographical areas have exhausted their IPv4 address pool. The African...

Charity begins at the office – send out a call to action
The idea of charity work or community contributions sits in various places within different organisations. In order to assist in taking that first step, we look at a number of ways to make a difference. Charity isn't always a complex matter It's a false notion that...

Life hacks come from people
We don't often have a chance to showcase our staff's personal side. In the spirit of our People-centric value, we'd like to share 12 of the real tricks, hints and tips that they use. These life hacks help make their days a little easier or more productive. Program...

Communication drives what a business does
Communication is how we share ideas, information, requests, instructions and progress. It stands to reason, then, that it's going to permeate every aspect of your business. With this in mind, you should give it due consideration when planning and acting. Communication...

Making company culture a success
Make your company culture part of your organisation's processes and your staff's functioning. This ensures that your company will mature and improve, not just grow. Company culture needs to permeate all levels Irrespective of what culture model is present, it needs to...

Online Protection – Homes to Enterprises
The topic of online protection is talked about far and wide. Everyone who is connected is worried to some degree about whether they, their connection and their information are safe from prying eyes. Security measures range from the simplest software to multiple...