Eight reasons to outsource IT management
The continued health and maintenance of your business IT infrastructure is of paramount importance. IT is typically the second-largest budget item in a business, making it a vital investment to protect. Find out why outsourcing the management of your IT is the ideal solution to help you achieve maximum results from your hardware and software.

People-centric is a company value and a culture
In our third and final installment of our company values blog series, we look at being people-centric. Specifically, we consider the advantages of the top-down, company-wide approach. We also examine the ways to apply this value inside and out. Finally, we also ponder...

Growth and innovation towards improvement
We continue our blog miniseries on Adept's company values with a detailed look at the combination of growth and innovation. While it's odd to encounter two values as one, sometimes it's unavoidable. At other times, though, it becomes downright brilliant. We examine...

Why Managed ICT trumps in-house
Managed ICT services have a reputation, and that reputation continues to grow at the same rate that their effectiveness does. We took a look at what we've seen and coupled it with thoughts from others. We see a clear judgement - Managed ICT deserves its spot as a...

Communicating better through technology
The concept of communicating better is as old as the notion of discovering a tribe different to your own and trying to get your meaning across. Fast forward a few millennia, however, and some of the same problems remain. What's more, widening generational gaps and...

What to watch out for in 2020
Information and communications technology (ICT) changes more rapidly than we can usually perceive. The last few years were particularly fast-paced, with no indication that 2020 will be any slower. You can accommodate this by keeping an eye on the top ICT trends for...

Technology to get the most out of the festive season
It’s the time of year where most people and organisations wind down, take a breather and recharge. Using technology to help you out seems natural nowadays. Yet there are always small ways to make this approach work better for you. Stay connected. Or not. Oddly enough,...

Human Resources – people and technology blend
We often tout Human Resources as the beating heart of an organisation. Yet at the core of this heart, we see a clash between technology and remaining people-centric. Sometimes, this clash is subtle and blends in behind the scenes. At other times, the blending is less...

Is your business ready for when Windows 7 support gets decommissioned?
With the ever increasing risk of businesses getting hacked or falling victim to a ransomware attack, it is imperative that you keep your operating system up to date and optimised. Doing so ensures that you receive the latest updates and patches for your system, which...