2018: With increased growth comes increased responsibility
The modern Internet has become the literal fibre that connects businesses and society. What’s more, this inter-dependence is increasingly on the rise. With the exponential growth of Internet users to 3.8 billion, we have seen our lives drastically improve. With...
Forward strategy: the next level
You’ve laid the foundation, set the bar and let everyone know what the organisation is in store for. What’s left is your forward strategy – building continuity and achieving your vision, one step at a time. What is forward strategy? At its most...
Hosted services, mobility and time – lessons in efficiency
Making best use of hosted services means not only being able to work remotely, but managing your time better. The idea is to maximise available time for productive outputs. Working from anywhere via reliable connectivity is only the start. You also need to consider...
Firewall for the win
If you’re not yet familiar with a firewall, you could be forgiven for thinking that having strong passwords and changing them often is enough to protect you and your organisation. Or could you? A firewall is… The inconvenient truth, however, is this: you...