With the ever increasing risk of businesses getting hacked or falling victim to a ransomware attack, it is imperative that you keep your operating system up to date and optimised. Doing so ensures that you receive the latest updates and patches for your system, which...
When you choose a VoIP solution for telephony, you are choosing a technology that’s been around for over 40 years. You can thus argue that, based on this longevity alone, you’re using something reliable and robust. And you’re not wrong. VoIP stands...
Since the first local availability of Microsoft’s Office 365 packages, Adept has successfully leveraged the solution to offer clients the best-of-breed services. With the arrival of Microsoft Azure on our shores, we work with Liquid Telecom to bring Azure to you...
Every year (sometimes more often), the MSP realm demands a realignment of solutions. This is necessary to match the ever-changing environment that managed services cater for. In addition, the client landscape tends to shift, as new business sectors come to realise the...
If you’re not yet familiar with a firewall, you could be forgiven for thinking that having strong passwords and changing them often is enough to protect you and your organisation. Or could you? A firewall is… The inconvenient truth, however, is this: you...
You might expect that with a ubiquitous service such as mail, making the right choice is easy. After all, it’s a straightforward decision, isn’t it? Consider the options, add in your budget requirements and see what fits the bill. You might expect that....
We are aware of an outage on the Frogfoot network,which is currently affecting a small selection of connectivity clients. Our technicians are working on resolving it ASAP; we apologize for any inconvenience caused.