Did you lose your data?


You need Adept’s cloud backup!

Adept ICT


Adapt with


Monitoring as a Service

Modern ICT infrastructure is designed and expected to operate on a 24/7/365 basis

Managed Services Automotive

Keep your Automotive Technology in the fast lane with ADEPT.


You need Adept’s cloud backup!

Agriculture Managed Services

Spend more time farming and less time worrying about the
management of your Information Technology.


Mimecast empowers you with a more holistic

approach to email security

ESET Internet Security

Join over 110 million people worldwide who enjoy a safe online
experience, thanks to ESET’s multi-layered protection!

Firewall Solutions

We offer hosted firewall solutions and supply a
wide range of physical firewalls from leading brands.

Legal Managed Services

Due to the highly confidential nature of legal work,

compliance is crucial to any law firm.

Adept ICT


Exports Managed Services

The benefits of using an ICT company like ADEPT can add a
level of effectiveness and efficiency to your operation
that can increase productivity.

IT Support and Connectivity

Managed Services for Architectural
and Quantity Surveyor Firms

Did you lose your data?


You need Adept’s cloud backup!

Adapt with


Monitoring as a Service

Modern ICT infrastructure is designed and expected to operate on a 24/7/365 basis

Managed Services Automotive


Keep your Automotive Technology in the fast lane with ADEPT.


Agriculture Managed Services

Send more time farming and less time worrying about the management of your Information Technology.


Mimecast empowers you with a more holistic approach to email security

ESET Internet Security

Join over 110 million people worldwide who enjoy a safe online experience, thanks to ESET’s multi-layered protection!

Firewall Solutions

We offer hosted firewall solutions and supply a wide range of physical firewalls from leading brands.

Adept ICT

provides a range of Managed Services

Exports Managed Services

The benefits of using an ICT company like ADEPT can add a level of effectiveness and efficiency to your operation that can increase productivity.

IT Support and Connectivity

Managed Services for Architectural and Quantity Surveyor Firms

Adept was launched in January 1996 in Stellenbosch, and is one of the oldest ICT service providers in South Africa. We offer a wide range of flexible products, managed services and smart solutions, through the creative use of the latest technology and inspired innovation.

Managed IT Services

Reduce costs, decrease stress and get more from your business IT with a dedicated team of Managed IT professionals.

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Business Fibre

Improve productivity and reduce costs with the right business fibre solution for you.

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Microsoft 365

Achieve more with a productivity cloud that combines best-in-class Office apps, intelligent cloud services and advanced security.

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Network safety: Top tips for managing digital security

Network safety: Top tips for managing digital security

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Gaming is for everyone

Gaming is for everyone

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Managed Services in a Mac world

Managed Services in a Mac world

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ADEPT’s Management Services in the Wine Industry

ADEPT’s Management Services in the Wine Industry

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